47 W Polk Ste 100-252

Chicago, IL  60605

Voice/Text: 312-939-5105

Email: iviipo@gmail.com

The IVI–IPO has been working since 1944. It has been dedicated to good government activism and an idealistic vision of open, honest government in Illinois through pragmatic means that confront cynicism and corruption with equal force. The organization’s primary tools are voter’s registration, voter information and candidate endorsement. We also lobby on behalf of governmental reforms designed to open the system and better inform the public on the political process.

The IVI–IPO is a not-for-profit, multi-partisan, independent political organization. Our endorsements reach hundreds of thousands of voters throughout the greater Chicagoland area. Our work on campaign finance and ethics reform in the past and in the present has gotten high marks from all quarters and our commitment to good government is as strong now as it has ever been.

IVI-IPO Mission Statement

IVI-IPO’s mission is to achieve social justice through good government by increasing voter participation and knowledge, by providing a framework for candidate evaluation, and by electing responsive government officials. 

IVI-IPO Constitution

IVI-IPO Constitution Revised 2009.pdf

IVI-IPO Bylaws

IVI Bylaws Revised0 8-25-2021.pdf

IVI-IPO Standing Rules

IVI Standing Rules.pdf

IVI-IPO 2023-24 Board of Directors


Jim Garfield *

State Chair

Willie Mack *

Administrative Vice Chair

Program Vice Chair (vacant)

David K. Igasaki *


Josef Michael Carr, Jr. *



Committee Chairs

Political Action Chair (vacant)

Elizabeth Scott *

Membership Chair

Stephen Stern

Legislative Action Chair

Meridth Hammer

Community Action/Municipal Affairs Chair

Charles Paidock

National Affairs Chair


     * Steering Committee Member


Board of Directors

At Large Delegates 

David Mihalyfy

Delores Robinson

Betty Magness 

Alternate At Large Delegates

    First Alternate: Michael Radzilowsky

Second Alternate: Jesus Salazar 

South Chapter

Chapter Chair: Aldolphus "Al" Kindle

Vice Chair: Vacant

PAC Chair: Robert Carroll

PAC Rep: Vacant

Chapter Delegates:

Robert Carroll

Monica Stewart 

Far North Chapter 

Chapter Chair: Jane Bannor

Vice Chair: Herb Ziegeldorf

PAC Chair: Herb Ziegeldorf  

PAC Rep: Helen Carlock

Unorganized Areas 

Delegate to the Board: Bapu Arekapudi

PAC Rep: David Igasaki